5 Harsh Truths About Going Vegan

It's 2024, of course you're considering going vegan if you haven't already. Food  don't taste like it used to and your body is telling you that something's wrong. Going vegan has changed my life and so many other people's lives for the better in so many ways, but I cannot dismiss the harsh truths about going vegan. 

Here are some harsh truths you may not be ready for before going vegan:

1. Vegan does NOT mean healthy! When you are classified as a vegan (in the food world), this means you do not eat any animal products. According to Wikipedia, Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products—particularly in diet—and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals. In conclusion, vegan foods are considered all foods that do not have meats (beef, pork, seafood, turkey, chicken, etc), any dairy (milk, cheese, butter), or eggs in it. 

Some may get into veganism for the concern of animal cruelty, and some may get into it for health purposes. I am one of those people that initially went vegan for health purposes, now that I live more consciously, I do have a great concern for animal cruelty also. Growing up in a small country town, Gould, Arkansas, hunting is normalized and it is how our families are fed mostly. I never seen the side of the world where people refrained from animal foods until I became an adult.

With that being said, you must be intentional with your purpose for going vegan. Ensure that your vegan options are also aligned with your health goals. 

2. Your loved ones may think you are going crazy. If they are not familiar with the vegan lifestyle, they may tease you, more than congratulate you or be inspired. As I stated earlier, being from a small country town in an all black community, veganism was very foreign. I was one of them ones who would eat pretty much anything you put on the plate as long as it had some flavor, I wouldn't discriminate. I used to always be the one to say that I will never change my diet because I didn't have an understanding why people did that.

But, life hits, and your outlook on life all of a suddenly changes. Once I had the revelation that winging myself off of certain foods and drinks would help me to live a healthier lifestyle, I felt great about my decisions. Little did I know, though, many of the people around me, did not have an understanding of why I chose to commit to the lifestyle. It's like they understood to an extent. 

Once I stepped over to veganism and living a more health conscious life, I received more backlash and jokes verses congratulations. This seems to be big in my culture, due to what we have seen growing up, very few followed this path. 

Don't let this discourage you, it should only motivate you to lead the way. And make sure you are fully educating yourself on your journey so that you won't satisfy their insecurities with your failure to stick it out. If you need a head start on properly transitioning to a more health conscious lifestyle or need assistance on deciding if veganism is right for you, check out my ebook How To Transition To a Vegan in 30 Days, to get an understanding on the transition and save stress, money, and time while you're at it.

3. You'll start to notice things you weren't expecting to learn, and you might be in denial. We were taught so much in this realm through tradition and westernized culture, it was a lot of things that many of us didn't question because it was so normalized in our day to day life. The cleaner we eat the less mental fog we have and the more mental clarity we have.

According to biomedcentral.com, different studies indicate that nutrition is linked to pineal gland decalcification.

The truth that will be revealed may shock you, but if you are reading this beforehand, don't let it be a shocker. You may see the world differently when you step over into the vegan world. Don't say I didn't warn you.

4. Most foods labeled vegan isn't the right choice, be sure to be intentional, if not, you will fall into the fat vegan trap. There is a lot of vegan junk food out there, especially at vegan restaurants. Be mindful of ingredients and don't let the labels fool you!

If you ever meet a malnutrition vegan, it's because they may have fell into the more interesting parts of veganism and was not aware of what they were putting into their body. Or, they may have tried to replace the fulfillment with heavy starches, which may be a detriment more than a help to the body.

5. In order to get your body what it properly needs, you will have to meal prep more. It may sound like a bummer, but in all actuality, it is your temple and you must treat it as such. We have more time when we prioritize it for the things we truly value. Our body is one thing that should hold the most value.

To ensure you are getting the proper nutrients you need, it is best to grocery shop whole foods versus already made meals. I put together a list of kitchen tools to utilize to help cut down time on meal planning. Click this link to check out the list.

Now, this reading is not to discourage you from going vegan, this is only a warning (or a confirmation) to what happens in the vegan world. If you are looking for inspirational health conscious vegan recipes and holistic healing ideas, join my Facebook group, Conscious Foods/Recipes & Holistic Healing

I also host monthly live virtual cooking classes for those who want to learn how to heal the household through the kitchen, reserve your seat for my next cooking class.

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